Bar/Bat mitzvah


In our Jewish studies classes we learned about bar/bat mitzvah.

When you reach the age of bar/bat mitzvah many things change in your life, like you are now responsible for your actions, like if you break a law you are responsible not your parents like before. You also become an adult so now you are not to talk bad about anybody or take revenge. Boys when they reach the age of bar mitzvah must use a tefillin and a tallit. a tefillin is made to signal that you believe in God with your mind and your heart. A tallit has fringes that reminded us about all the commandments so we can remember to preform all the commandments. The fringes have this special blue dye that I found interesting because before they used to believe that the sea snail that made this dye only every 70 years.

I hope you found that interesting here are some photos…



Innovation day

This year’s innovation project was exciting, stressful and fun.

During the first few days of the project I was very excited and hopeful about presenting my project. Then Hermione told me she was leaving for Edmonton 2 days before presenting and coming back the day before the parents’ presentation. You can imagine how I was feeling,(aka; stressed, and anxious) then a few days before Hermione was leaving, we discovered our switch didn’t work the way we wanted it to. We tried everything we could think of, but nothing worked. By then I was having a nervous breakdown. After Hermione left I experimented a bit more and I found a way that when the metal plate would hit the spring it would activate the circuit. When Hermione came back we started the board, it was a relief when we finally finished the board, and the game. After 4 nerve wrecking weeks we finally presented to the judges and later that day we found out who won. Even though it was fun and exciting I was so glad it was over. 

Hermione and me at the innovation presentation:

Jewish Studies

Hi! This is what I learned about in Jewish Studies so far…
We learned about Baby Naming, girls are named after the torah is read, and boys get their names at their Brit Milah(circumcision).I also learned that a Pidyon Haben is were a first born male child redeems themselves for worshiping a statue which wasn’t allowed (it still isn’t allowed in the jewish religion), they redeem themselves be presenting 7 silver coins to the kohen.a Shalom Zachar is a celebration that is celebrated the friday after the baby is born.

This is my Mishpacha project, The purpose of this project was to learn a little bit more about us.

Here are some facts about my family…

On my moms side all my family that we know about is in peru (including my Abuelita/Grandma) so we visit every year and on my dad’s side most of my family lives in Israel, my grandpa used to live in Brazil but I’ve never been there yet.