Jewish Studies

Hi! This is what I learned about in Jewish Studies so far…
We learned about Baby Naming, girls are named after the torah is read, and boys get their names at their Brit Milah(circumcision).I also learned that a Pidyon Haben is were a first born male child redeems themselves for worshiping a statue which wasn’t allowed (it still isn’t allowed in the jewish religion), they redeem themselves be presenting 7 silver coins to the kohen.a Shalom Zachar is a celebration that is celebrated the friday after the baby is born.

This is my Mishpacha project, The purpose of this project was to learn a little bit more about us.

Here are some facts about my family…

On my moms side all my family that we know about is in peru (including my Abuelita/Grandma) so we visit every year and on my dad’s side most of my family lives in Israel, my grandpa used to live in Brazil but I’ve never been there yet.